Saturday, March 3, 2007

Condo success: What's faith got to do with it?

There are two developers which are developing posh residential apartments near the city. In the midst of the current hot property market, all units in both projects were sold out within a short time.

Looking at the signboards displayed at the two sites expressing their thanks, one shows great maturity and good understanding of the importance of religious harmony and the way to live with others in a tolerant manner. Unfortunately, not the other.

While one thanks its customers for their support, which I thought is logical, the other attributed the success to its faith. Following the latter's logic, had its project not sold well and still 80 per cent of the units are left, whose fault is it?

It took us a long time and a capable leader like Mr Lee Kuan Yew to mould our society into a cohesive and harmonious one, where people of all faith and races live peacefully together, but it will take only days to push it back to Day 1. So, it is everybody's duty to ensure that it will not happen.

If you are still unsure which projects I am referring to, just take a look at Sky@Eleven in Thomson Road and NEWTON ONE in Newton Road. I think SPH, developer of the former, has certainly been more responsible.

Thomas Lee Zhi Zhi

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